Nigerian student sets new world record for longest catwalk

 Ololade Ayelabola, a student at the University of Lagos (UNILAG), has set a new Guinness World Record for the longest distance walked by a model. She completed an impressive 130.62 km catwalk, beginning her 120 km attempt on October 1 at UNILAG's indoor sports center.

After reaching the 120 km milestone, she continued for an additional 10 km, totaling 2,058 laps within the center. In an Instagram post on Monday, Ayelabola expressed that her official attempt aimed to highlight Nigeria's creativity and fashion industry to a global audience.

“I’m not walking for myself alone. I am walking for many models who have been limited by stereotypes and rigid standards,” she said. “I am also walking to showcase the creativity of the Nigerian fashion industry.”

Ayelabola's accomplishment is pending verification by Guinness World Records. Her achievement surpasses the previous record held by Roberta Brown and Lorraine McCourt, who walked 114.4 km (71.1 miles) in Dublin, Ireland, on September 21, 1983.

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