Why I’m successful in the music industry – Simi


Simisola Kosoko, the Nigerian singer widely known as Simi, has attributed her success to the trailblazing efforts of female artists who preceded her.

The mother of one acknowledged the pivotal role played by these hardworking women who defied conventions and broke barriers in the music industry, paving the way for others to thrive in what has traditionally been a male-dominated field.

In a recent dialogue with African Folder, Simi expressed, "There are women who have diligently challenged the existing norms. So, I cannot solely credit myself for my success because I have also been influenced by the achievements of other women who preceded me."

Simi initially embarked on her career as a gospel artist before transitioning to secular music in 2014. In a previous interview conducted a few years back, she mentioned that she shifted away from gospel music because it was not financially rewarding.

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